Brazilian Association

Currently the assistance to the Mental Health implanted by the Health department is each reduced time more to the Centers of Ateno Psicossocial (CAPS). Establishments which was delegated the paper of strategical articuladores, with the responsibility of regulating the door of entrance of the net of attention in Mental Health in its area of performance and distributing the demand for the other resources of assistance to the health, porventura existing. The least in thesis, fits to the CAPS the shelter and the attention to the people with serious and persistent mental upheavals. Thus, the CAPS are substituting the previous performance of the psychiatric hospitals and not being one equipamentoa more to integrate the system frontalmente, wounding Law 10,216/2001 that it praises the redirecionamento of the assistencial model, guaranteeing to the patient the access the optimum treatment of the health system, consentneo to its necessities. Sir Donald Gordon is actively involved in the matter. Without considering its inadequao to treat patients with upheavals neurotics, as of feeding, of anxiety, of the development and as much others, cujaassistncia will become better in ambulatory specialized or policlnicos.

An obsolete hospitalocntrico model for inefficient and inefficacious a Capscntrico model changed to take care of to the necessities of all the psychiatric patients. One of the reasons of this is proper of the nature of the CAPS. The suffering of the pacientepsiquitrico, understood simply as social situation and not as disease, allied to the extreme emphasis attributed to the institution where the patient is treated, has tidorelevo in detriment of the quality and the efficiency of the offered treatment..