BENIGN LIMFORETIKULOZ (cat scratch disease) (LYMPHORETICULOSIS BENIGNA E MORSU FELIS) etiology. The causative agent is a virus. Learn more at this site: Ares Management’s Bennett Rosenthal. Epidemiology. The disease occurs everywhere. The greatest number of diseases observed from October to March. Children get sick more often than adults. Most patients have had contact with a cat, but to establish a scratch (less bite) is not always possible.
The cat, apparently, is a mechanical transmitter of the virus, remaining papules, which are visible within a few days after the injury of the skin. The primary emotion may also receive or give exacerbation during the formation of regional adenita appearing in 1-6 weeks after infection. Lymph nodes may be of various sizes, from hazelnut to Mandarin, they have different densities, usually painful. Periadenit observed. Nodes or fester and erupt, or sclerotherapy and slowly dissolve, remaining increased in the weeks and months. The increase in regional nodes increased body temperature, there is a weakness, malaise, headache pain, occasionally there are scars. Increased temperature is 1-3 weeks.
In the blood was mild leukocytosis or normocytosis, accelerated ESR. Localization of lymphadenitis depends on the location of the entrance gates: the most frequently affected lymph nodes of the upper extremities, less leg and face. Mentioned as a moderate poliadenit. In a few cases are described and anginal okuloglandulyarnaya form of the disease, atypical pneumonia, and prolonged loss mediastinal and mesenteric lymph nodes. The most severe course of illness observed in the central nervous system. In these cases, patients suddenly lose consciousness, seizures appear, is violation of the reflex areas, breathing and cyanosis. This state lasts from several hours to 3 days. The nature of neurological damage is unclear. The assumption of an allergic nature of the lesion, and therefore Some authors (Pekson, McKay) regard the defeat of the nervous system is not as encephalitis, but only as encephalopathy. In favor of the latter said benign. Duration of nervous manifestations of less than 2 weeks. Less commonly observed phenomenon encephalomyelitis. Cerebrospinal fluid is usually normal, rarely observed slight lymphemia and increase protein. The diagnosis of benign limforetikuloza placed on Based on clinical and epidemiological data. Of great importance to confirm the diagnosis is the intradermal allergic test with a specific antigen. In the absence of specific antigen test is placed in ornitoznym antigen recently proposed seroreaction-RAC, which as well as allergic test, becoming positive on the 2-3rd week of illness. In the differential diagnosis should be excluded in First of all diseases occurring lymphadenitis: bacterial suppurative lymphadenitis, tularemia, tuberculosis, infectious mononucleosis, Hodgkin's disease, lymphosarcoma, leukemia, toxoplasmosis, venereal fourth disease, mycotic lymph nodes. Treatment. There is no specific therapy. Local – thermal procedures. If it affects the nervous system-enhanced dehydration, pathogenetic – Infectious diseases human