First expert forum in Germany on the topic ‘ media target group women ‘ Berlin, illuminated July 9, 2009 – almost 20 percent of all the magazines advertising investment flow into woman title. About one-third of the 100 most important journals in the retail comes from the segment of women’s and entertainment magazines. Of the 19 million women in Germany, using the Internet, 76 percent shop there regularly. Mrs portals are one of the major drivers of growth in the Internet and recorded high growth rates despite difficult market conditions. The list of Web customers already involves more than fashion and cosmetics. According to a U.S.
study, 80 percent of all private consumer goods by women are bought. “” The VDZ expert forum women in focus from print & online “from the number of publishers in motion” on 28 and 29 September 2009 in Hamburg takes these facts and developments as an opportunity to look at this target group in their facets and characteristics. Print online experts describe their experiences, show best practice examples and discuss Success trends and tendencies in this audience segment. “Participants learn u.a, as they: the channels of print & online useful link your content profitably market get your readers-sheet binding and increase the reach of your title strategic partnerships increase targeted enter digital sales marketing insert what it when the topic of usability” comes to work which business models in the market. Renowned media professionals belonging to the speakers of the event, including: Ralf Hirt, Vice President International, Glam Media (New York); Dr. Volker Breid, publishing Chief Executive of publishing group women / family / people, Gruner + year; Dr. Stephanie Sanchez, founder & CEO, strawberry lounge GmbH; Lars Joachim rose, Publisher, KLAMBT; Media Group Chris Kover, editor-in-Chief, Missy magazine. Sven Konig, Managing Director of the VDZ magazines Academy: we want to create this event a forum on which the industry interact in a concentrated form to an audience segment can, that will further gain in importance in the future.
The Academy takes care of the trend to the segmentation of target groups and the increasing information needs related and expanding your offering in the area of expert forums.” The event begins with a media get-together in the evening of 28 September and will continue all day the following day. Venue: KAI 10 – the floating experience c/o Mercure Hotel Hamburg city Amsinckstrasse 53 20097 Hamburg the full program and the possibility of applications, see ../Frauen_im_Fokus_von_Print_und_Online on the VDZ magazines Academy: the VDZ magazines Academy supports the German magazine publishers since 1993 in the education and training of its staff in a fast-growing media market. “The principle from practice for practice” experts from the publishing and media industry pass on their knowledge in seminars certificate courses, expert forums and congresses to the participants. Also in the offer of the VDZ magazines Academy: international study tours, academic programs and the VDZ Summer Academy, as well as other services such as the directory of VDZ specialist ‘. The VDZ magazines Academy is aimed at all employees of the media industry in particular but to the employees of magazine publishers at magazines like in professional journals.