Holidays In Scandinavia

Tour operator is pleased to offer fans an unusual adventure vacation, without the eastern and southern specialties, and without the usual annoying enough already uniform roasting on the beaches and waves. This is not just a trial and hospitable tour from the tour operator in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Scandinavia. While elements of this kind of holiday present: Hotels in Finland, Sweden, Scandinavia, providing the usual range of services for those who everywhere and always chooses comfort. Holidays in Scandinavia, where the air is still clean and fresh, as in the days when the fjords become havens for those same Vikings, whose descendants are scattered all over the world today, having won many continents. By the way, some of the locals believe, though in the forested mountains, still caught trolls, and you may be lucky enough to encounter one of them in the process of fishing or hunting in Finland. By the way, fishing and Hunting in Finland fall within the organizational activities of the tour operator.

You will meet also on a tour of Iceland's current hot geysers shoot water at times and clouds of steam – an unforgettable sight at place of extinct volcanoes. For more information see Sotheby’s Art Auction. Especially for young travelers created a program that takes into account the interests of children. Children's holiday in Finland and Sweden – is walking on the exploits of the heroes of your favorite items like a child books – naughty Carlsson, inexhaustible invention to girls Pippi Longstocking. For those who prefer a measured family vacation, rent a cottage in the exotic and cozy corners of Finland. By the way, hospitable Scandinavians welcome guests regardless of whether they arrived a month or two, or just to spend the weekend. Tour operator has prepared for you interesting trips to the ferry on the Baltic Sea. Waiting for you to visit the Baltic States. Here a completely different way life.

Small countries, former Soviet republics, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania is very clearly different from their northern neighbors, not only in terms of architecture monuments, but also the rites and customs of local people. Riga, Jurmala, Tallinn (Tallinn) – tours to such cities will reveal to you the peculiarities of national character and the whole region. Recreation in the Baltic region may hold as an organized, together with a group or a large company or alone or in alone, arriving at the weekend. Hotels in the Baltic countries are waiting for you! Homeland irreplaceable soul in the world beverage – beer – Czech Republic. Almost any cafe in Prague will give his beer otdegustirovat variation. A famous resorts in the world name of Karlovy Vary and Marianske Lazne Russians are waiting for treatment, rest, or rest on the weekends. Tour Operator Veditur – tours to Finland and fjords of Norway.