Big or small it is? On large businesses employ hr managers and resume will get to them, in small as it can get either the to: Director, Head of Department, etc. When this you have decided and submit to whom it falls, start to make their resumes. For example, a personnel manager, it is not the fact that he versed in the intricacies of your profession, so it must necessarily be listed in their own words, all parameters that are required in the vacancy, they should not be simply copied to your resume. Also, you say something you do not know or do not know how, do not be fooled, because it still comes up, it is better to remain silent and the emphasis is on the other, or to indicate that you are faced with this surface, but you can easily learn. It is also very much depends on the chronology of your resume. If begin to describe how you ended up and what grades each school class, I think its not read until the fifth. You should begin with their achievements that were recognized in society and the world, unless of course there are any, and they relate to your future position in this company.
Enumerate their athletic victories, I think it makes no sense, unless of course you are not satisfied with the fitness center manager. Next, write a chronology of his working life in reverse order, starting from the last place where you work or worked. After you specify the kind of education you have, what are the achievements in science or you won at the Olympics and other awards, please list them. You have not yet worked on specialty, you should swap the description of the study and previous jobs. And at the end briefly indicate their marital status, hobbies, and of your specifications. In all of the standard cap, the only recommendation – you giving telephone, no mobile, then specify the time when you call. Good luck with your new job.