
First point You only lead you will be yourself capable to be a good example. It does not believe leadership for the imposition, the force, the totalitarian attitude or mandatario.para vc to lead a group or any that seija vc has that to believe a good example, in the example of what vc make, of the attitudes that vc take and in the capacity to share. This is the leadership most solid, perena (that it lasts forever) the most respected is that one that vc consolidate before the groups where you act, is its friends of work is in that they are its customers, profisionais, coloboradores or suppliers. In as the point in the leadership we must have assertive capacity, it wants to say, not to have fear to make, to have courage to believe its idea and places it in practises, exactly knowing that it can errar.porque the power Make a mistake is part of atitude.se vc does not have attitude, evidentimente does not go to make a mistake. More also it does not go to make right.

somebody goes to pass of its side making and making right, committing some errors, more you go to arrive afrente of what more. to have courage to make what vc entendecomo certain to go convincing that its ideas are positive. These ideas must be descutidas previously, more if vc trust them deal with execute them. the third point of the leadership is never to give up. Who never gives up easy can arrive the place none, nor in the Education, nor in the Companies, nor in the sport nor in the Love practically in nothing. If you not to fight for what vc believe, you always sera a sad, solitary, isolated person or practically you go to be the person more reclamona. The person positive always is more felizes.entao forbids to look sermais positive of that negative, because To lead she is to add people, you to be able to have Teams. To lead without led does not exist. therefore in the Administrators or you lead we must know to deal with equpes to be able to reach our Objectives with Efficiency and Effectiveness.