Everytime I prepare a training session try to give the best, thinking about people and their expectations. Everything is not always pink and that happens in the best families. In general, there are many participants attending a workshop, by obligation rather than by belief there is exceptions of course. When I travel to the interior of the country, in many cases I have to facilitate a weekend and this inevitably generates discomfort in the participants, since I’m invading their days of rest, in other words I have to dance with the ugliest. Luckily the experiential methodology we employ allows us to ride out the storm in such situations and we can always finish the story with a happy ending. Any approach to change involves the transition from a current situation to a desired situation. According to Santiago Lazzati, the behavior depends on the skills of the person and their specific motivation in certain circumstances, to turn these factors depend on certain particular characteristics (intelligence, personality) and according to the needs of the moment having to face. All these elements have the influence of the context.
In the specific case of people receiving training, it will be decisive that the return to the Office, find suitable conditions; that is, support and the confidence of the Chief, to apply what they have learned, leaving aside the skepticism and belief that training is just more of the same. Companies in the future, according to john Kotter is characterized by: A persistent and lasting sense of urgency senior management will work in team leaders will replace committed workforce managers greater delegation a simpler structure adaptation willingness and interest in learning new skills leaders committed to a lifetime of learning there is no doubt that the training complies and will continue to fulfil an essential role in business development. The companies will be smart as investing in the development of its people, that properly manage this knowledge and not how might think wrongly that should that name to its correlation with technology. Until next time!