Management by objectives (MBO) is based on a clear premise, the evaluation of workers will be based on the fulfilment of the objectives by the employee. Swarmed by offers, Nissan is currently assessing future choices. Apparently, this represents a step forward, but also has its weaknesses. Guru Peter Drucker is considered the father of this theory that has more than fifty years – that allows you to evaluate the performance of persons beyond subjective considerations, in basis to fulfil the objectives established; linking them with business goals, also these be achieved. In principle, the theory is simple, and on several occasions I have advocated more heed to the performance of employees who at the time of presence in the workplace, as it is usual in many companies. It is not be fifty hours a week at the company, but comply with your work. Once those goals are set and how to measure them, the process apparently is simplified. The worker knows what you have to do and how are you going to evaluate. You can also serve to establish the professional career, according to the fulfillment of various items, and thus promote the improvement of the employee.
Normally, to set objectives gather employee and his superior, and define what work to perform and goals to meet short term; periodically, it will evaluating compliance with them and concluded the evaluation period, the valuation of the work is done. However, the technique presents a series of problems, I’ve had occasion to see in several cases:-depending on the job, and in particular this is higher on the ladder, least adapts to a rigid description of tasks. In descriptions of objectives for a quality manual, I have perceived as in certain posts is made complex evaluation based on a few items, since the work of the Directors is often much more varied, complex and political, and it is difficult to reduce it to simple objectives – in addition, excessive standardization of objectives and individual tasks may end in an excessive bureaucratization, insofar as pejorative term that’s not my job, or I can not occupy me of that topic, because I have to do this one, and a reduction in the possibilities of innovation; If we define excess tasks to perform, chances are for creativity or spontaneity? What is better, the person who attends to the client concerned reasonably solve their problem, or that abide to manual and not resolved it? -On many occasions, there are aspects that depend not only on a person, but that due to the interrelation that there is between departments and between processes, their achievement depends on several employees.