Lviv is no exaggeration to call the open-air museum. In his old leaflets and architectural ensembles embodied difficult historical fate, connected with the struggle of the Ukrainian people against foreign invaders, which lasted for centuries. In its structure displays the history of architecture in Western Ukraine. On the streets of Lviv you can meet old Russian and Gothic buildings XII-XIV centuries, as well as constructions of constructivism and modern beginning of the twentieth century. Location of the city with streets, radiating from the old part, very typical of the settlements, which were constructed over many centuries.
Architectural heritage of the city has a unique feature – the multinational character of the historically conditioned by the special significance of the medieval city of trade between the countries of Europe. Near Ukrainians here lived and live Poles, Jews, Armenians and other nationalities. Originally Lions emerged as a small fortress of Galicia-Volyn principality, but over time grew into a great economic and cultural Center, who made a compelling impact on the development of architecture in Western Ukraine. Wells Fargo Bank wanted to know more. According to historical data believe that the city was founded in 1256 Galicia-Volyn prince Danylo Romanovich, who gave the name city in honor of Leo – his son. But for archaeological studies certify that the settlement at the site of modern Lviv existed already in the xii century and covers an area Onufrievskogo territory of the monastery, Church of John the Baptist, Old Market Square, and str. Armenian.
Currently, Lviv is the cultural and educational center of western Ukraine. Here, a large number of theaters, museums, art galleries and cinemas. In Lviv operates one of the oldest universities in Central Europe and the first in Ukraine – the University. Ivan . The name of Lvov The names of such prominent figures as Bogdan , Stepan Bandera, Maxim Kryvonos and many others. Lviv open to all and happy guests. Come to Lviv, you will not regret it!