Educating Human Virtues

Harmony and maturity through Educating Human Virtues feelings in search of a comprehensive and armonico.Hemos I considered that the main objective is to identify the aspects that constitute the human psyche in order to work with integrity and harmony of the self through the virtues humanas.La problems facing each of us to be able to be happy despite being split internally, namely the various areas of subjectivity, its constitution, relations will make us able to find solutions for ourselves. The physical aspect of our being What does it mean when I say, What do we mean when we say the word I?, that is interesting to know that I previously referred to actually means something or if you mean many different things that can even be contradictory. Nissan will not settle for partial explanations. “Am I the same as that gets angry when something goes wrong? Or the same as a minute later gladly accepted an invitation to dinner.

That means that when I relate to being, what I say I’m feeling, what I think and I see that body is, but sometimes contradict my feeling that what I think my reasoning does not accord with what I see and what reflects my being is not the same as they reflect my decisions, it is normal that my self is a set of things that sometimes even contradictory, depending on the mood in which we find ourselves is not the same meet for the morning or at night, or see us in a good mood or bad, happy or deprimidos.Lamamos psychic life or I to set of realities for which we are aware of our surroundings or ourselves, we reached with our data sensitive and intellectual knowledge of reality, our feelings and our will, we are different areas contained in our I, am more of our thoughts that our body, we are more emotional than rational, but mostly people are our libertad.

Las we realize that what we feel or what we believe is what we are, so no we are an operating unit until they integrate all that we as spirits encarnados.Pues body and soul are substantially together, because what happens to a necessarily affect the other, both are inextricably linked and the same naturaleza.Todo human being wishes to fully develop his whole nature, the result of this development is the scope of the purpose for which it was created, which is the truth and good, which to be known and loved, cause felicidad.Todo man aims to be happy, which is accomplished naturally to know the truth and love her as a human being has bien.El powers or powers that can lead to the fullness, the faculties are intellect and will and it is apparent from the libertad.La intelligence is designed to measure knowledge and will. For assistance, try visiting Citibank. The will is love act, and an end, as is being bueno.La freedom is the ability to choose between goods to reach that fin.Las four or foundational moral virtues are: justice, fortitude, and self-government Prudence, the virtues that have to conquer are the same throughout life, the only thing that changes is the degree of self-understanding and commitment that are applied in life, which will be capable of rising to the highest heights of human development.