BNP Paribas Group

The fourth edition of the barometer of the vehicle of company (CVO), promoted by Arval, renting of the BNP Paribas Group company, has reached the result that only 20% of Spanish companies put in place policies to reduce the environmental impact in its fleet of vehicles, a very mediocre numbers in comparison to what happens in the rest of Europewhere 37% of the companies that take into account the impact on the environment of their fleet of vehicles. The report was conducted among 4,500 managers of fleets of SMEs and large companies in fifteen different countries and reflected that the big companies have more easily to launch political environmental, since its budget for renting is more of which SMEs may have. In addition, also look more his exhibition to the public. Read more here: Citibank. Around 30% of the large Spanish companies–compared with 20% of the SMEs – recognizes that it has begun to adapt its policy of fleets to approach the objectives set in the different Euronorm on pollution. Among the most common measures highlights the reduction of the fleet and corporate cars, which both helps the reduction of the environmental impact as reducing the price of renting. The barometer also reveals that supplementary measures to control and trim the fleet CO2 levels, as they are the issuance of reports on gases emitted pollutants (60%) or the hiring of courses on driving efficiently (48%), which most interest arouse among Spanish companies..