Crato Companies

' ' The migration of the caladistas companies for the Northeast started has little less than 20 years, after a visit of then the governor of the Cear, Ciro Gomes, to the Valley of the Bells, caladista polar region gaucho. The objective age to attract companies highly employers to the interior of the State, one of poor of the country at the time. ' ' With the extreme growth of the globalization and the modernizadoras techniques, the world highly passes to be explored and to be expropriated by great companies and for the structure of the system properly said, with this in the interior these practical are not different, thus needing one better agreement on the part the inserted societies in this context. In view of the question of the incentives a deeper analysis of these events in a more local sphere is necessary again. We can take in account the question of the hand of cheap workmanship and also stand out the Grendene company in the interior of the Cear more specifically in the city of Crato; it leaves its matrix in the Rio Grande Do Sul and comes to lodge itself north-eastern, occurs with this mobilization the occupation of the spaces of interior, everything this turns around the tax incentives that they do not pay or pay almost nothing and for many times no type of rent or any satisfaction the society stops with its action.

But what we must approach with more significance they are the basses price of the workmanship hand that they come to explore, is necessary raised debates each time more, propitiating general profits where these can argue improvements and rights of these people explored for these ' ' structures modernizadoras' '. The methodology used for the development of the research is understood in the use of literatures that, propitiated a bigger knowledge on the subject, so that thus the field work was made, work of field this that, undertaken in a local espacializao and a strong industrial development as well as an ambient degradation brings many objects of analyzes. One better and greater agreement on the subject were constituted and in this manner undertaken an analysis. The research in turn is in progress, however already it was possible to observe in the city of Crato-Ce the influences caused for the lodging of companies of international matrix or not and as they affect the social space and the ambient space. In these circumstances a bigger inquiry becomes necessary on these few analyzes here granted, therefore then a character that searchs improvements in the espacializao will only be being truily exerted in way to the space it interior northeastern and them main cities affected with this desenvolvimentista wave of the capital. A instigativo and investigativo debate of the academy and the areas reached with such movements is necessary, therefore the structures order and repeal an order in the espacializaes without no type of investigations on its action. Words Keys: Globalization, influence, interior, Northeast.