In the methodological literature there is enough development of educational business games. Examples of educational games I used the lessons of economics in 6-7 classes: "Market", "Book Factory," "desert island", "advert", "Custom Homes", etc. No less important is research students working on the essay and subsequent participation in scientific conferences. This allows students to: to apply their theoretical knowledge gained in the process of studying the economic courses and other subjects for the analysis of real phenomena and processes of our lives; acquire skills in scientific literature and materials of the periodical press, using them to support or refute this or different point of view; gain experience address to a large audience unfamiliar. That research and engineering activities meet the modern requirements for children's education. Exactly These techniques allow to organize training through self-knowledge in the process of obtaining the solution of educational problems, contribute to the development of creative thinking and cognitive activity of schoolchildren. Results extracurricular educational and research activities can be clearly traced in the works of graduates.
In many of the ideas are the appointed research found its material embodiment. In 'Outside public debt of Russia: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow 'student in grade 11 in 2003 made the prediction that a huge foreign debt of Russia is not dangerous and will soon be extinguished. Another student in the 'Does Russia need a stabilization Fund 'examined the change in the state budget of Russia, found sources of the Stabilization Fund of Russia, concluded that the need to maintain the stabilization fund.