Emotional Aspects Partner

When dealing with this subject it is perceivable implications how much to the envolvement of people, who present the superendowment or high abilities, in the familiar, pertaining to school relationships, in the acceptance of its talent and the development of its potentialities. Some characteristics for the recognition of the superendowed picture of are displayed in elapsing of the pages, but the approach of this work is in as the family through the support, the council member by means of the individual or collective aconselhamento and the school, can assist superendowed or the individuals with high abilities to surpass its emotional challenges partner. Word-key: superendowment/high-abilities; development emotional partner Abstract: Emotional This article discusses the topic of giftedness in its and social aspect. In addressing this issue is perceived implications will be the involvement of people who have high ability or giftedness in family and school relationships, in the acceptance of the talents of gifted and development to their potential.

Of adds features the framework will be the recognition of gifted ploughs exposed throughout the pages, but the focus of this to paper is on how the family by supporting, the counselor through the collective or individual counseling and the school, can help the gifted or high ability individuals you overcome to their social-emotional challenges. Key – words: giftedness/high ability; social emotional and development. Introduction One of the argued subjects more in the educational scope in the current days is the special education, as if to adapt they and as better to take care of them in its intellectual necessities and many physical times.