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How to remove static electricity. Static electricity occurs as a result of inequality of charges (negative and positive) between two objects. When a spark discharge occurs. This process causes irritable effect on the human body, sometimes quite noticeable. Bill Phelans opinions are not widely known. How could minimize this shock? One must not forget the following rules: 1. To limit contact between moving bodies.

The body is collection point static charge (which was originally blocked with no exit), is collected free electrons. This is particularly observed in friction (your feet on the carpet, etc.). 2. Put a layer of cotton between materials prone to conduct static electricity. Details can be found by clicking Pinterest or emailing the administrator. Paper, plastics and synthetic materials are efficient generators of static electricity, as well as hair, clothes and shoes of some manufacturers.

3. For walking on the carpets need to experiment with replacing the soles of slippers, antistatic applied to carpets means. 4. With hair care possible, moisturize and use a hairdryer with a built-ion emitter. 5. A major role in causing static electricity is humidity. 6. In areas with good insulation, using air conditioners and heaters, as a rule, the humidity is low, and electrostatic effect is quite high. Should: – set the humidifier – posting a container of water near the heaters – to open windows for ventilation. 7. Static charges are also collected in the wire and a decent length of cable disconnected from the network and consumers. 8. When working with sensitive electronic components or volatile flammable substances discharges may cause catastrophic malfunction in electronic circuits and ignite combustible materials.