For many citizens of any metropolis, have your workplace less than an hour of displacement from their homes is a sort of fortune, which increases their quality of life. That time lets you to another person who performs the same job in a small town spend more time with his family, reading or sleeping. In your case one greater than 10 minutes posting involves an eternity. Today, cities are not measured only by its size or by its population, but also by the time used to scroll to basic places in the life of any person, such as work, hospital or school children. One in two inhabitants of the planet lives in a city. 75% Of the population of the rich countries is urban. Despite this, the latest report of the Centre of the UN human settlements predicted that nine of the ten largest urban areas in the year 2020 will be in developing countries.
Cities offer essential services cheaper and larger scale than rural areas, but by its configuration present different risks to the health of its inhabitants. Since the 19th century, with the Industrial Revolution, the concept of city has been associated with the idea of noise, overcrowding, small dwellings, lack of air and light, traffic jams, pollution, odors developed and most large cities are not always offered better quality of life to its inhabitants. These are a kind of urban nomads who occupy too much time daily in the distance that separates them from their destinations. Pollution that breathe, and stress that suffer from constantly going against the clock, with little time for leisure or family, provoke cardiovascular or somatic diseases. The distress is manifested through bodily symptoms.
Nearly 255 ailments that patients come to the doctor have their origin in boxes of anxiety. But adults are not the only affected. Their children make up the so-called generation of the key. His parents deliver them a copy of the key to their homes and fired from them every morning first thing with a gloomy until the evening. The child has full day ahead for going to school, eating only, and devote the afternoon to see the little educational programs that provide televisions in the afternoon strip or play for hours with video games. The current economic crisis must be an opportunity for cities carry a development that does not endanger future generations, and that manage urban and natural resources rational and respectful way. Today in mega-cities there is almost no good fundamental necessary for the life of its inhabitants; food, raw materials or energy. The German city of Freiburg maintains a commitment to sustainable urban development for more than 30 years. From 1970 until today, it has grown from 29 kilometres of bike lane, more than 500 kilometers. But this is not its only step towards sustainability. 5% Of the electricity consumed in homes comes from the Sun, through the placement of small solar panels in own homes, hospitals, or schools. If we align ourselves with the metaphor comparing cities with living organisms, perhaps so asimilemos that they suffer from circulatory problems, which are traversed by railroads and highways, scars that the air they breathe is flawed, etc. Remedies for those ills go through sustainability.