Bright sunshine and not a drizzle. So, the city of Salzburg yesterday welcomed participants from throughout Austria, Germany, and the Switzerland to the Internet marketing seminar. At 9: 00, all hiking enthusiasts, which in time could secure a place, withdrew the seven mile boots and followed Michael Kapp on the walk through the vast expanses of the Internet marketing. While Kohlfurst showed them the beauty of open spaces, the valleys, hills and mountains, but also the risks that one can encounter at the climbing of the online marketing Summit. Despite the heat outside, wonderful temperatures in the SN Hall as well as lunch on the terrace of the Salzburger Nachrichten.
Topics such as search engine marketing, but also the latest trends, for example, in the social marketing and success control and online crisis management, called for the participants. Already, the seven mile boots revealed that this day would be no walk. Somewhat exhausted by the many impressions, but still glad and dully, the entire group reached at 18 o’clock in the evening Target. Summary by Michael Kapp: “a great group with which I am already on other days. Be especially sure that we devote extensive day walks only a Summit such as the topic of statistics and monitoring of success, in the future. Read more about you in the future also continue here, in our GipfelBLOG. Mountain medical”found on more photos to this day.