
We can elencar pages and pages of defects of the fernandista management. Corruption, dficits, crises, deriving loans of the FMI, loss of the autonomy of the country amongst others. But, not I consider myself to this in this article. Squid? We go to the facts? Incio Luis Lula da Silva, nordestinho of Garanhuns, half? illiterate, was, the one of the biggest presidents of Brazil in History and without a doubt biggest politician of the decade. Squid broke paradigms, was recognized world measures and this year received the prize from global politician in Davos, what it bases my phrases above. Squid when assuming the presidency, demonstrated abilities that the Brazilian media always deturpou erroneamente, as to stanch dficits of FHC and the interference in the Round of Cancun of the OMC, where Brazil if imposed in the world before the first year of mandate of then the president.

On the foundations created by Fernando Enrique, Squid intensified the commercial relations with the world and the Brazilian needy mass possua a legitimate representative. It was first of this the time of the Colony of Brazil, that a governor did not come of the elite politics. ‘ appears; ‘ It was Lula’ ‘ with the idea to take care of less the most favored with plans and action, the celebrities: Stock market Family, Hunger Zero amongst others. Passed the weighed part of the critical one, it came the harvest: the reduction of classrooms and D and the increase of Classroom C in Brazil. With this, actions as the Prouni amongst others, gain relevance and make possible social mobility still more. Squid projected Brazil as a regional power of global status. It can to say, that he is one of the men whom the world made to pass of multipolar to pluripolar, therefore the emergent countries as Brazil had gained relevance in the world-wide scene.

Squid lead Brazil in the biggest economic crisis of the History of shining form: my House stimulated the internal consumption through the Program My Life and of the reduction of the taxes on cars and other products. This was the second harvest of the social programs: in the height of the crisis, Brazil possua a classroom C, that with credit, started to consume. Passed the crisis and practically the eight years of the Age Squid, we can also cite pages and pages of defects of the lulista management, as scandals, corruption amongst others, but also it is not to that me I consider. Now, in the presidential elections of this year, Dilma and Serra defend its predecessors and will fit to the voter citizen to define which were optimum. Squid possesss an advantage of being the president and to possess an ample popular approval. Independent of the race to the Palace of Plateaus it fits to the Brazilian people to recognize that in last the sixteen years we had two historical president-politicians for its managements. It is clearly that excellent subjects boarded or had not been badly managed. However, Brazil is today a democracy consolidated to a large extent to the positioning of these presidents.