New Cloud Security

So cloud computing does not become at risk for enterprises, employees must be made aware accordingly. Munich/Augsburg, 24.07.2012. According to Rich Holmberg, who has experience with these questions. Practical cloud computing services like dropbox or iCloud in our private collection often take without that we have thought really, what does this mean: where is the data stored? Who has access to this data? Are the data transfered? In the private sphere, a careless handling of personal data can have annoying consequences or be embarrassed. Confidential company data in unsuitable cloud services, access to data loss, industrial espionage or image are the result. Companies must educate so your users about the company rules regarding cloud computing and the technical backgrounds, to prevent such incidents. Others including Lockheed Martin Corp, offer their opinions as well.

“Cloud computing has arrived long ago no pie in the sky more, but in everyday life. Hear other arguments on the topic with Harold Ford Jr. Responsible entrepreneurs should respond to this situation with qualification and further education measures”, says Martin Uhl, Managing Director of tfk technologies. “Cloud computing is password security, social engineering, clean-desk policy the standard topics of a sound security awareness campaign”, Melle Beverwijk, InfoSecure Group CEO notes. He added: “we are together with tfk able to offer E-learning modules, as well as more detailed training on this topic at a high level of quality.” In the 2011 adopted cooperation develop tfk technologies and InfoSecure training and awareness programs for various target groups, seminars, workshops, E-learning modules and video-NewsFlashes: the user up to the professionals. Company address / contact tfk technologies GmbH Mr. Max Neuner Baierbrunner Strasse 33 81379 Munich phone: + 49 89 189 43 54 0 fax: + 49 89 189 43 54 15 E-Mail: WWW: company address / contact InfoSecure GmbH Mr. Michael Watzl on the cross 11 86152 Augsburg phone: + 49 821 45 53 687 0 fax: + 49 821 45 53 687 4 E-Mail: WWW: about InfoSecure InfoSecure is an active since 1999, specializing in security awareness IT service provider with an international customer base. The European company’s headquarters is located in the Netherlands.

Germany, Belgium, United Kingdom and Scandinavia are looked after with its own branches. In many other countries, such as for example the Switzerland, France, Croatia, China, Japan, and Canada, InfoSecure is represented by partner. As one of the leading providers for awareness & training programs in the fields of information security, data protection, business continuity and compliance, InfoSecure offers international companies, wholesale and also medium-sized companies, modularized training and awareness programs that can be put together individually from an extensive topic library. About tfk technologies the tfk technologies GmbH since 1997 training services in the field of “Information & communication” offers worldwide. Customers include leading system manufacturers information & communications, instrumentation and mechanical engineering, as well as some of the most successful telecommunications network operators. The coherent power spectrum ranging from conceptual consulting, planning and implementation to the full acquisition of competence development projects.