the onOffice fundraiser “Tackle the real estate industry with’ goes with great success to end with a total of 1.568,-euros for the flood victims of the Passau district youth ring” has been a success. “Under the motto only together we can make a difference with tackling the real estate industry” was launched on the 10.06.2013 the onOffice Software GmbH on your Facebook page a fundraiser to help the flood victims. onOffice increased their donation like after 1 week for each”click on your Facebook page 1. On the 09.07.2013, Mr presented Baisch a customer of the online real estate software manufacturer, the existential situation of the KJR close has experienced, the check for the donation. The amount allows the Club to rebuild a small part of their organization and to look positively into the future. It is remarkable how big was the willingness among colleagues, business partners, and friends to support the action. We hope with the fundraiser the KJR again courage to have made after front to look. ” explains Stefan Mantl, Managing Director of onOffice Software GmbH, the fundraiser. The entire onOffice team would like to thank all those who have spread the action and have contributed, that this sum could be donated. For more information, visit the Facebook page: onOffice.Software Julia Dutch marketing and PR field road 40 52070 Aachen phone: + 49 (0) 241-44686-241 E-Mail:
OnOffice Fundraiser:
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