A thank you for over 100,000 visitors should the Jakobsweg-live.de website only a source of information for friends and acquaintances by Werner Jakob be pond. He had before his first route travel in 2007 decided, anyone to tell that he would out on the 1000th way after Spain, where 1000 kilometers along the paths of James walking pilgrims. This was both surprising and inspiring for Werner Jakob pond since end of 2007 over 100,000 visitors who wanted to see reports, photos and videos. After he numerous publications, a book, several travel of DVD’s and audio-CD’s on his travels published, now the Web site completely redesigned. A new design, new topics, for example about the Holy year 2010, a pilgrimage diary in rhyme, or the live reports from his trip early 2009 were absorbed. And so his visitor and Pilgrim’s way – interested now can actively involved, also a new Pilgrim Forum on the Internet page integrated.
Pilgrim Forum
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