the model of the industrial era is a type of model in what the employees of levels superiors have all the power and control, whereas the employees of low level only receive you order, this aid not to be competitive internamente in the organization, says. the model of the era of the knowledge of the worker, in who we are in this moment, tries to create a culture where the competitiveness is everywhere scattered of the organization, giving to be able to employees of low level for the decision making and becoming an authorized organization. It is certain that for this model it is needed to have time and patience, but gradually when this culture is established, the organization will work more indeed and new ideas and alternative solutions for the problems will be generated. This model means that the things are not going to be of my form or your form, but is going to be of our form , talking about to the form to make the things within the organization, argues Covey. This change of culture has enormous implications, not only for the employees but also for the clients, partners and suppliers, it says. If the employees are dealing with suppliers and clients in the model the industrial era, normally they could not make decision. Comparing this with a worker of the same level in an organization where the model of the era is used of knowledge of the worker, the employee could make decisions and to take the responsibility of this type of leadership . Learn more about this with Harold Ford Jr. With the service to the client becoming more and more important at this time of recession, the model of competitiveness this growing daily. Covey gives like example two companies very recognized like Xerox and Polaroid. It says; Xerox almost went away down until a leader arrived and began to give to be able for the decision making to all the organization .
Polaroid Employees
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