It is the moment for attacking that market with a good campaign of promotion or publicity that has good arguments to recover the confidence of the consumers and who play in favor of raising the low sales. In time of crisis, in which economic sensitivity, feels in the behavior of the consumers, where many abstain to buy products, dice to the repercussions that the crisis has generated in their income, is when the management of markets must give to passage to its creativity and innovation to confront the situation Of, that have been written, that exactly, at moments of recession, is there when a greater effort is required, when the innovation and the creativity must offer the maximum one for the mark, when it is due to look for more than ever the difference, when loose rein to the imagination must occur. Nevertheless and peculiarly, the reality is that at delicate moments the departments of marketing of the companies of almost all the sectors usually are first in undergoing budgetary cuts. And those cuts not only affect the investments in communication but to the area as a whole that is disabled to do and/or to propose nothing new If we create in marketing, our alphabet of the strong mark (attractive, brave, reliable, different and focused) acquires all their sense. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Rich Holmberg. We will have to continue investigating the client and will have to bet for being first in something, to communicate of surprising way, to invent the magical ingredient, to look for new utilities our product, to incorporate new services and to even go crosscurrent. Miguel Yez Orellana indicates, that to apply the budgetary cut principle in marketing if the enterprise culture is the classic one it seems the logical thing in the days of crisis. Nevertheless, the marks that are constructed from the base with marketiniana culture will have to confront these uncertain periods with the conviction del that it is known focused towards the client and not towards the product and therefore with the security of which marketing in its more holistic conception continues being the way to ensure the success. .
Publicity Campaign
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