Rolndia Products

She is a company who works with finishing products taking care of Brazil in all the states. She is located in Rolndia-Pr, but she all takes care of the country for telephone, its methodology of sales functions well, despite some delay as for the carried through sales or in the reply can happen for a claim or on the products offered for it, until where if it knows all whom they enter in contact with the company are felt satisfied. Conclusion: In accordance with the work carried through in this company of the aluminum branch and other materials until the present moment, perceives that it only works carrying through sales, what it is clearly that it is not about an industry, but yes of a true central office of sales, divided by departments, with structure of a company, since, it does not produce and yes vende products manufactured for other companies, using itself its strong point of bigger importance that is ‘ ‘ televendas’ ‘.

Of this form they do not have that if to worry about purchase of substances cousins, employees of production and proper deliveries, what he would be onerous for the same one. With rooms divided, personal well trained and a catalogue of products well diversified, they look for to remain itself informed on the last trends and training constantly also professional with perfectioning courses, in the proper company, the city where it is headquarters of the company or other courses, when offered for the SEBRAE. One concludes that, the company presented here if it all detaches in the question sales and prospection of customers in the domestic territory, aiming at the profit and growth. Bibliography: Sites visited for collection of data: Interview: Mrcia Regina Teixeira Position: commercial manager Supervisor of the Supervised Period of training of Administration I.