Many of the Russian and Ukrainian web-studios, professionally engaged in the creation of websites, apart from offering site building make banners for the promotion of the finished site. Banner can be ordered in addition to development of the site. If you look closely portfolio design, the client who wants to order a banner, will be able to assess the experience of a specialist in making banners, cost of services, adequacy and objectivity of the proposed price of the service. Jeff Weiser is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Are the promotional web banners as a method of web site promotion and whether or not to order them? It's no secret that banner ads flash, especially intrusive, serious tire people. Visitors sites trying to get rid of advertising in all possible ways: download free security software, include effective tool in protivobanernye antivirus, turn off the viewer the ability to play animation. Even if the banners are anti-ad filters, people who visited the site overloaded with banners, will unconsciously ignore the information provided in the form of flashing. In this case, flash-banners will be just to annoy you spend on the development of their money would be spent inefficiently. At the very least, a general clickability banner can be zero for all time placement.
How should I opt out entirely from investments money into banner ads? Should I focus on other methods of search engine optimization white? Or even go back to the doorway, and other dirty methods of site promotion? No definite answer, you can define, what is best for you and your company. However, it should be remembered that all the secret once necessarily becomes clear … Many experts in the development and promotion of sites believe that the greatest effect is given a beautiful ads flash, and flash rollers, which can effectively embodied in the blog idea. Static banner in the colors of a beautiful site, where it inserted, provides far better to promote your site than Whig and an annoying flash drive.