Therefore, you first need to find a lender, how much and what to pay. Of hidden fees are not insured by anyone, and most importantly – the borrower knows about them, as a rule, When making your first payment. To avoid such "pleasant" surprises, we should carefully read the contract, especially what is written in small print and do not be afraid of "torturing" a bank employee This is for your own good! Commission for maintaining accounts – from 0,3 to 1 percent (by the way, this "service" do not provide all the banks!) – penalty for early repayment of the loan – from 2 to 5 percent of the debt (in recent years it has become fashionable to set time, such as seven months, during which the borrower can not pay more than normal on the loan amount). And that's just the money that would have to "lay out" the bank! There is something else Be prepared! Car loans, although it seems simple, in fact actually keeps many secrets, which are opened at registration. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Ben Silbermann has to say. In addition to all of the above bank "surprises" waiting for mass unpleasant moments, which also require some financial costs. Speech comes to car insurance against theft and damage – "CASCO", which a majority of creditors is declared as one of the prerequisites for auto loan, even though by law the procedure is voluntary. We can not say that it is bad (if do not take into account the fact that every motorist will have to pay the insurer, 10 percent of cars): because the bank not only hedged itself, but also insures the customer's (!). .
The Bank
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