The Identified

Oyarzn, et al. (1984). Garci’a, Towers & Shasat (1986) in its seventy studied cases had found one with a bigger number of laryngitis cases and nodules: As the professor occupation. Young chicken & Furck (1988) had justified that alterations in the voice of the professor they lead, the linguistic models and psychological inadequate, a time that the state of health of the professors, in such a way physicist (rouquido, pain of throat, loss of voice etc.) how much emotional (general fatigue, tension for the difficulty in saying etc.) intervenes with its performance in classroom. You are silent, et al. (1989) they had described that the vocal patologias in more frequent professors had been the nodules with formation nodulares. Being the so important voice in the pedagogical action and so consumed in the constant, abusive use and many times inadequate it was evidenced how much this instrument of work of the professor comes if presenting modified, with damage for he himself. Young chicken (1990: 10).

With the implantation of a vocal program of the professor in the cities of Salto and Itu it occurred three basic factors: high incidence of professors with vocal complaints; high number of secondary medical licenses and vocal riots in professors observed for the monitoring epidemiologist (BROSOLOTO). Chan (1994) described in its study of some measurements of instrumental voices in a group of garden professors and infancy on the vocal use and amongst the identified types most common it was the vocal abuse. It told despite the number of professors is excellent who present habits and inadequate vocal behavior, making it difficult in the adaptation of the voice to the professional use, pain to speech, vocal fatigue rouquido and aphony. The professors had presented more complaints of vocal riots. What it indicates greater necessity of prophylactic orientaes of adjusted vocal use in these groups of professionals. With certainty the biggest incidence of disfonia in professors of the said voice is between the professors, whose problems of professional adaptation of conditions of work and remuneration and vocal preparation correspond to the main etiolgicos factors of the vocal alterations. Menezes, et al. (1996) they had observed that the majority of the professors presented insufficient level of information with regard to the fonador device and to the specific cares with the use