Website Of Data2type GmbH Now Also In French

The XML specialist data2type GmbH provides its comprehensive XML knowledge pool in French to Heidelberg, 28.06.2013 – the XML specialist data2type has translated large parts of its website into French. In addition to information about services, products and news from the world of XML, it contains also an extensive pool of knowledge about XML related technologies. The most important information of this free online encyclopedia are now available on German, English and French. With its knowledge pool the data2type GmbH provides interested about 1,000 articles on XML technologies to: from the main topic of XSL Schematron and XProc up to XML-based markup languages for MS Office applications. The work will be continuously expanded and revised, by the end of the year, numerous content available in Spanish should be accessible. The data2type GmbH, headquartered in Heidelberg was founded in 2005 by Manuel Montero. As a specialist for all questions in the area of XML, the company developed cross-industry XML solutions, the perfect are tailored to the individual needs of its customers. While data2type opts for standardized languages such as, for example, XSLT, XSL-FO and XML schema. Contact: data2type GmbH Daria singer Wieblinger way 92a 69123 Heidelberg Tel.: +49-(0) 6221 – 7391260 E-Mail: Web: