In spite of the debilitated dollar that is in a minimum level in five months in front of a basket of the main currencies (even the Euro again broke the ceiling of the US$ 1.40,), the relative reduction in price that it generates in the American products (when they are trasformados in value of other currencies, like for example, the Euro), do not increase the demand of the same by the weakness that are observed in the economies of these countries, reason why does not contribute of a way significant to increase the outer American product sales In other words, although the USA can sell their products to a smaller value in Euros, do not have European the sufficient one spending power. And Latin America what? The weak recovery of the American economy will be without doubts a negative element for the possibilities of growth of those economies of the region more tie with the country of the north (especially, Mexico and Colombia). The negative impact for the region will take place through the evolution of the prices of the commodities nonagriculturists who possibly stay weak, only observing one smooth recovery. Additional information is available at Ben Silbermann. What it also happens with China matters to him to Latin America because it as much limits the recovery of the American economy as of the world-wide economy, limiting the positive effect that the global economic recovery can produce in the region through the real channels. The perspective of a global economic recovery that will be very weak, will cause that the growth of the Latin American economies depends in a measured major of the strength of its internal demand.
Those economies that count on better internal conditions will be able to recover with greater rapidity and force. A key element in this sense can be the volume of real investment generated so much with national capitals as through Direct Foreign Investment (IED). In this sense, we will observe a clear differentiation between the countries that applied healthy policies and count on interesting opportunities of investment, of that no. Already the luck will not be of much aid since it has been until recently for some Latin American countries. Latinforme. com is the main financial source of intelligence and independent opinion on the Latin American and world-wide markets from a Latin American perspective. From our offices in Buenos Aires, Argentina, we approached the last new features and alert to him to help it to that you obtain gains without concerning the direction that takes the market.