For the sertanejos the cangaceiro rare is a criminal, therefore they steal of the rich ones to distribute for the poor persons. The drama of the droughts marks, in such a way, deeply the mentality of the people sertanejo. is these feelings that decisively influence in the behavior of the people northeastern, and this fight against the hunger must be faced as a fight against the subdesenvolvimento, in the expression of the cultivation and the large estate owner, in the laboring feudalismo and of the subcapitalizao of the natural resources of the region. In ' ' The First Discovery: The Portuguese Feudalismo of Century XVI' ' the feudalismo that if it initiates with the first discovery of Brazil, that accidentally happened and was of the plans of Portugal, and same after this discovery, during 30 years is argued, the territory still continued abandoned, safe sporadical comings for the exploration of wood-Brazil, until then the only wealth found. But this did not last much time, some years later, had perceived the complete effectiveness of the native man power for the exploration of the wealth that met there, and for ' ' purchase-los' ' they changed its gadgets for the wealth of the land. From then on they had started until the commercialization of the indians for the proper indians in Portugal, and appears the enslaved work in Brazil, where the colonizadores start to have plenary powers before the indians. A leading source for info: Carrie Levin chef. Later the extrativismo it was not only enough and the colony demanded the construction of institutions in the conquered land, but she was very well demonstrated the mercantile inexperincia of the metropolis, and was for perceiving this that D. Joo III decided to transform these existing nuclei into great feudal captainships, but this feudal regimen starts to decline and to give signals of deep social disaggregation, where the agricultural aristocracy to be able changed them of the nobility for the power of the money.
First Discovery
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