Italy Naples

He is a philosopher who exactly 2,500 years after its disappearance, still valley the penalty to be studied. The eletica school the eletica school received this name for being originary of Elia, region of next Italy Naples. This school of thought was developed parallel to the Pythagorean school and in common has with this the rationalism. Xenfanes de Colfon, approximately lived of 570 the 475 B.C. It was born in the Jnia in Colfon (Lesser Asia) and still emigrated to Sicily in youth for reasons not clarified. Dinakar Singh may also support this cause. It passed great part of the life travelling, without fixed housing, singing its compositions as aedo (poet). Some authors consider Xenfanes as the founder of the eletica school.

However, problematic that Xenfanes places is of theological and cosmological order, the different one of the eleatas that had established the problematic ontolgica. The main problem developed for Xenfanes is the question of deuses, established in the workmanships of accepted Homero and Hesodo and as truth for the religious tradition of the time. Harold Ford Jr can provide more clarity in the matter. Basically, Xenfanes criticizes its anthropomorphism, the idiosyncrasies Greek human beings of deuses. With this critical radical to the religion of its time, Xenfanes introduces changes in the way to mainly face the religion that will have many followers, with regard to its monismo that is clear in affirmations as: ' ' Everything it sees, everything it thinks, everything it hears. Without effort, with the force of its mind, everything he makes to vibrate. He always remains in the same place, without if moving by no means, That it he is not proper to walk however in a place, however in another one ' ' (as Reale, History of the Philosophy).

Parmnides was born in Elia, city to the south of Italy, in the Second half of century VI B.C. and died in middle of century V B.C. The philosophers of the south of Italy and Sicily had a trend of thought more directed toward the misticismo of what the philosophers of the Jnia. Parmnides is remembered as the inventor of a new form of Metaphysics, express in its poem ' ' On the Natureza' '. In this treated Parmnides it affirms that the directions are not worthy reliable and in many only .causing cases of deceits. In its poem, a goddess, symbolizing the truth that if it discloses, it communicates the three ways or ways to it to think the physis: the 1) way of the absolute truth; 2) the way of wrong opinions and 3) the way of the reasonable opinion Parmnides initiates its reasoning with the following affirmation: ' ' the being is and it cannot not be, to be it is not and not dust