Then Esa Confession

This that is cowardice, defeated being before the battle starts. I want to remember a thing, who it does not ask for aid, it is walking step step with failure. consequently has problems! ILLUSTRATION a Biblical example is of Jac and Esa that had lived moments of conflicts. But if they had one day found and they walked together. Gn 33:12 ' ' Then Esa said: We go to follow the way; I will go you together with ' ' APPLICATION: Understanding that the confession is an instrument for the reconciliation and the pardon, we cannot lose of sight this practical in the relation with the people.

Or we open the door for the reconciliation and the pardon, or close the door. This key is in our control. The other cannot open the door. Not even the proper God, if the person not to yield to the key. God respects our decisions. Therefore, it in gave the free will to them.

Therefore, if you are in this situation you run for the reconciliation and the pardon, through the confession. Ill? POINT: PUBLIC CONFESSION? AS ACT OF LIFE CERTIFICATION (TM 10:32,33) ' ' Therefore, all that one to ahead confess that me of the men, will confess I it ahead of my Father, who is in the sky. But that one to ahead deny that me of the men, will also deny I it ahead of my Father, who is in cus.' ' 3.1 The confessional act, presented for Jesus in this evangelho has to have with the public profession of faith of the person, concerning its faith in Christ as Mr. and Salvador, and, in any place that the individual transits. But the element is explicit confession, as an instrument for the relation with God and the people. Because by means of the confession, it ahead confesses it to Jesus of the Father.