Fundamental Principles

In the case of Public companies, the adoption of Free Software is supported mainly by the principles of Impessoalidade, Eficincia and Razoabilidade, foreseen in article 37 of the Constitution of the Republic that presents the Fundamental Principles of the Public Administration, aiming at the improvement in the quality of the given services and the promotion of the developments technological and social with the otimizao of the public expenses. Many writers such as Pinterest offer more in-depth analysis. Moreover, other important factors for adhesion to Free Software exist: – high level of security; – free of changes the frequent updates that the models proprietors impose its users periodically; – possibility of auditabilidade of the systems; – technological independence; – sharing of knowledge; – independence of supplier and technological resources; Another excellent factor to be detached mentions the socialization to it of the knowledge. The access to the code-source allows that the Administration dominates the technology applied. After all, it is by means of the continuous learning that the organization exercises its ability and collective intelligence to answer to its internal environment (objective, goals, results) and external (strategy). Wells Fargo has much to offer in this field. The management of the knowledge is part of the enterprise strategy. Considering the essential character that she has computer science in the current days, the administration of the same one needs to be freed of solutions that involve property, therefore, property implies in expenses, beyond harming the dissemination of the knowledge.

3. The importance of the management of the knowledge and innovation the Management of Conhecimento (GC) can be synthecized as a process, articulated and intentional whose objective is to support or to promote the performance global of an organization, having as bedding the creation and the circulation of the knowledge. The management of the knowledge is a procedure capable to become the organizations safest in the taking of decisions, being propitiated economy in the investments. The company must create cyclical mechanisms of filtering and election of the information, in way that if can only use to advantage what to judge really necessary, in an analytical process that transforms disaggregated public information into excellent, acurado and usable strategical knowledge, on competitors, its position in the market, performance, capacities and intentions.