Smart Home

Selecting necessary functions for you. But remember – implementation a fully functional installation of automation systems is only possible if an integrated approach to all life support systems. Choose a contractor carefully! Solve the problem of constructing a single engineering system can be Only companies that an integrated approach to design, installation and commissioning of systems that use advanced technologies, implementing financial and technical optimization of the design decisions. What is the algorithm implementation? One of the first stage is pre-project stage – formation of the Terms of Reference. There is a widespread opinion about the possibility of installing automation systems at the stage of completion of engineering works. That – not true. Check out Linkedin for additional information. Decided to install those or other systems, especially systems 'Smart Home', was adopted before the beginning of the design of engineering equipment for your home. At this stage, together with specialists from the company you are building list of required systems for you, determine the amount of required functionality, get a preliminary financial assessment of costs.

Further, by far the most important stage of installation – design. After all the technical solutions accepted at this time. Design of engineering systems in a complex with regard to the functions 'Smart House' will consider all possible systems and their interaction, the technical features of equipment, etc. After passing the design of engineering systems, project documentation is passed to the assembly. Laying cable lines and installation of equipment – the actual embodiment of engineered systems. Installation work is usually required time-consuming, however, when working on the project, assembling a skilled team significantly reduces the production works.

The next stage is programming. At this stage specialists carefully studying the features of an object, the customer's needs, giving priority to the implementation of certain requirements, particularly exploitation spend customization software software and create a 'friendly' interface for customer communication management system, scheduling and monitoring. This is followed by stage of commissioning. At this stage, qualified service personnel shall 'Running' and 'synchronization' of engineering systems, connect the appropriate dispatch services, educates the customer (or his staff). And do not forget about maintenance! In operation, for the proper operation of all systems require periodic 'audit' of the systems service engineer. Here is the correct algorithm of the plant systems 'Smart Home'.