Rodriguez Zapatero denied the crisis not long ago. Then polls were favorable to him, our man was at work transform the country from the top down, in a demolition exercise of political adanismo, and I thought probably perpetuate in power in the absence of any constitutional limitation thereon. That was the idyllic setting until a day of the month of may saw to open the economic abyss under his feet. Now, when they are wrong given, just raise the succession issue the same Eve, as they say, recognize that we will need five years to correct the structural imbalances of this economy. And, of course, is not for the thankless job.
For her, and since electoral polls are adverse to him, will already be Mariano Rajoy, who arrostraria this quinquennium quadrennium, rather of unpopularity achieved thanks to the brutal reforms that lie ahead. Of course, would not he who burn are presenting for losing elections than to the PP They truncarian his political career. That they do so Chacon, white, Perez Rubalcaba or whoever. The withdraw was on time, with credits of historical memory, the Alliance of civilizations and other trifles by style, and see demomento bulls from the sidelines. Then, when reality empitone right hand and sinister, both politicians from the PP and the PSOE, the emerge again, as renewed Messiah savior who would manage the subsequent years of bonanza, once passed the economic tsunami. This, of course, is only a hypothesis. But, knowing the subtle Machiavellianism of our President, it is a disturbing scenario, Yes, but also more than plausible. Original author and source of the article.