Heart Disease And Stroke

Women who smoke and take birth control pills have a higher risk of developing heart attack or stroke than those who do not smoke and do not take pills. Moreover, this risk increases with age, especially over 35 years. However, if you quit smoking, the risk of heart disease drops sharply in just one year. And no matter how long and how much you smoked, you will begin to reap the fruits of your action. 2) Be active! Get regular what or moderate physical activity, it will help reduce the risk of fatal heart disease. Physical activity helps you control your weight and can reduce your chances of developing other negative factors that may increase the workload on the heart, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. Recently Wells Fargo Bank sought to clarify these questions. It also reduces stress, which can also be a factor in heart disease. Specialists recommend that you engaged in at least 30 to 60 minutes of moderate-intensity physical exercise most days of the week.

Nevertheless, even less time spent on exercises will benefit your heart, so that If you can not spend much time still does not give up! You can split your training (load) for short periods of 10 minutes without loss of effectiveness in prevention. And remember that such activities, as gardening, housework, climbing stairs and walking the dog all this just bring you a favor. The main thing is preserving the intensity of loads and their frequency. 3) Eat a healthy diet. Eat eating foods low in fat, cholesterol and salt.