Therefore, following if these predictions they are fulfilled or no, we could reach the conclusion that in the access to the lexicon the conexionista model is confirmed, in the sense that different activations take place (visual, fonolgica and semantic) and that, in addition, can occur a process of competition between these activations, to the way that pointed the interactive model of activation (IAM) of McClelland and Rumelhart (1981), when they described the recognition of words by a competition and control drive in parallel in the lexical level of representation. On the other hand, following the results obtained with the presentation of both facilitators, according to if an effect of PL greater in words of discharge or LF takes place, we will obtain a new confirmation of the data collected by Brown and McNeill, and also it would confirm the conexionistas models for which whenever a word is processed they fortify the connections (McClelland and Rumelhart, 1981), would take which us to conclusion that the LF words are going to be candidates to the problems of access to them before those of high frequency. By means of the investigations of access to the lexicon, we can implement different strategies from training for different difficulties from the language, like for example, strategies so that subject with language upheavals they can realise certain training for a better advantage of his resources or strategies for students with learning problems, through development of linguistic games. In conclusion, the study of the access to the lexicon and the processes of transmission in the network of nodes thus as the activations not yet have reached definitive conclusions reason why all type of investigations that are made on the matter to a great extent contributes to palliate or to improve different upheavals from the language, essential aspect of the human being in its social interaction.
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