
For the trader or entrepreneur are an unmatched tool, since it is not necessary to have a real commercial shop, and can make the sale from own home, spreading products not only at national, but also international level. Currently, is also offered the possibility of promoting not only products but also services. The own online shop the other possibility, much more advisable but that requires a degree of greater involvement, is to create an own online shop. Credit: Dinakar Singh-2011. Fortunately this can be achieved without high costs of programming and design, since there are free tools and use free as the OsCommerce online store. At the same time, online stores can be supplemented with electronic payment services such as Paypal, Dineromail and Xoom, which will enable our customers pay from anywhere in the world, with credit cards, deposits and transfers, as well as many other options. Experience is the best example, and for this purpose I mention my particular case: my dedicated online shop to retro toys was developed entirely with the OsCommerce platform, which I personalice tailored to my needs.

I then adds him toys blog based on WordPress, linked through an RSS feed to the Facebook fan page, which currently has more than fifteen thousand fans. As you can see, they are all free tools. The online store also incorporates as Dineromail payment system. Although an own online shop requires a level of commitment and much greater dedication, is the best way for the entrepreneur, that allows you to have an own sales channel and manageable auto continuously. Still, the presence in auction sites can remain a parallel method of promotion, and an excellent way to attract new customers.

E-commerce has certainly renewed the way to buy and sell. Having an international credit card, is possible to buy a product from China and have it at the door of our home to fifteen days of purchase, something completely unimaginable carried out some time ago. Many stores virtualize the entire process of trade, so that entrepreneurs who are behind them perform both the purchase and sale over the Internet. Even one of the latest forms of electronic commerce involves the sale of virtual goods, as in the case of video games on network, in which it is possible to pay for items or additional features that give it greater appeal to the gameplay. In all cases, it is clear that entrepreneurship is a major advantage thanks to the Internet, and is one of several excellent opportunities offered by electronic commerce.