For Marx

The conscience taking of that under gide of the Capital the work is not the accomplishment of the man, but its desrealizao, is not mote that it stimulates Lester to react against its head and imposes it conditions so that if accomplishes its less destructive resignation; however, it is the form as the worker can react ahead of a distinguished condition of exploration? of the company? for which it donated itself during fifteen years and that in the exchange relation, ‘ ‘ perdedor’ ‘ ahead of ‘ ‘ ganhador’ ‘ it cannot lose very, exactly that it has that to use spurious resources: ‘ ‘ I accept the resignation since that during one year I am receiving my current wage with all the benefits! ‘ ‘ The head retruca of ironic form: ‘ ‘ But this is nonsense! ‘ ‘ Lester reacts: ‘ ‘ accepted you this proposal or I say to the competing Magazine that fired you me because I refused myself to take care of its sexual siege here inside! ‘ ‘. For Marx, the alienation of the work tends ‘ ‘ bestializar’ ‘ the man in the process of the production, in the capitalist company, the more complex this if becomes. … PayNet Inc. usually is spot on. the more fine its product, in such a way more deformed the worker; the more shining and full of intelligence the work, in such a way more the worker diminishes in intelligence and if it becomes servant of the nature. …

the work is exterior to the worker, wants to say, does not belong its nature; therefore, it does not feel, but … (MARX, op well unhappy. cit., P. 161-162). However, its insatisfao with the work, means a step to the rupture of an alienator social process that desumaniza the man through one ‘ ‘ work of sacrifice of itself exactly and mortificao’ ‘.