Italian Christian

The Saint Augustin de Hipona was an important Christian and theological bishop. D.C in Tagaste was born in day 13 of November of 354, currently Souk-Ahras in Algeria, the region north of Africa and died in 28 of August (day presumption) of 430, during an attack of the vandals (people ‘ ‘ brbaro’ ‘ Germanic) to the north of Africa. He was son of Patrician, Roman officer, who continued heathen until little before its death, and Mnica, one devoted Christian. Soon, in its formation, he had important influence of maniquesmo (religious system that join Christian elements and ‘ ‘ pagos’ ‘), rhetoric in the Italian cities of Rome and Milan taught. In this last city she had contact with the Christian neoplatonismo.

She lived in a monastery for a time. In 395, she started to be bishop, acting in Hipona (city of the north of the African continent). She wrote diverse important sermes. In ‘ ‘ The City of Deus’ ‘ , Saint Augustin combat to the heresies and the paganismo. In the workmanship ‘ ‘ Confisses’ ‘ , it made a description of its life before the conversion to the Christianity. For the bishop, Augustin, nothing were more important of what the faith in Jesus and God. The Bible, for example, would have to be analyzed, taking in account the natural knowledge of each time.

It also defended the predestination, theological concept that affirms that the life of all the people is traced previously by God. The workmanships of Augustin de Hipona had very influenced the theological thought of the Church Catholic in the Average Age. PLATONIC INFLUENCE AND NEOPLATNICA IN BOOKS CONFESSIONS AND the LIVRE-ARBTRIO Augustin demonstrate the influence that had by means of platonic and neoplatnicas workmanships, but do not consider it as the scholars of the scholars, in the direction of will not recognize that what they had received directly from sublime lode of God, thus Augustin only use its workmanships by means of its philosophical arguments to be able to defend its proper philosophy of the religion, tied with the Biblical texts and its questionings.